31 thoughts on “LOGIN

  1. I feel you! 🙋🏻 and it’s nice to see that a beautiful girl like you is not only beautiful on the outside.. People have committed suicide because of what others say to them on social media 🙁 but the times are changing and we are slowly realizing that ”the only person who can judge/validate me is ME!! ”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I really liked how you connect different aspects of our life with a single platform which was meant to socialize us but instead it was nothing but the virtual world to which we are connected and even to some extent made us introvert. So thanks for throwing light in this subject.
    Great work keep it up

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  3. An excellent articulation of the truth! Love these lines “Where have the minds of the people gone? We’ve become slaves to our own invention~ money, social media” congrats looking forward to read more …

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Social media is meant to be used only for promotion of useful stuff. But we are now so concerned about a fake reputation that is virtually built by the so called social media,we are missing out the real life fact that “This is all virtual”. I request you guys to start small and quit social media.First step you can take is by turning down the notifications off for all social media apps.I have done it and it feels awesome.

    I use facebook only for promotion of my website.And I would like to use your blog to promote my website as well .Do give it a look.



  5. First of all dont be shocked because this comes to you from an aunt…But hey I’m not here to advice you but rather to congratulate you DEAREST MEL for the thoughts you shared.You wont imagine what an impact it would make on young parents like us.Raising up a 7 year old little girl I seriously understand the implications of the so called virtual world of technology!!! I for one would’nt want to raise my child as a robot .Lets all make time for singing a lullabye before they sleep,for reading fairy tales to them ,for nature walking with them,for grandma’s tales,and definitely as you said for experiencing a surreal living- lets be original, be yourself and turn a deaf ear to judgement. helping them love themselves. Congrats Mel keep up the good work !!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much Aunty Rani for always being such a huge support in everything I do. Means a lot to me. Thank you for giving my work a read and always being able to connect to my writing. 🙂 Have a great day!


  6. Reading your posts makes me wonder about things which were confined within my subconscious being. It’s like everytime I read your newest post, I feel “this is gonna be my favorite,”.. but thanks for proving me wrong everytime by raising the standard of what you write and how you think. Somehow a part of me feels the pic you chose for this “login” post , differs from the message you want to send across but , right then the other part of me thinks it’s ok enough to show that we humans are all about laptops and internet nowadays. I mean I feel the irony that we need to use the very “internet” & ” Social media” to criticise it’s overwhelming interference in our lives. But then putting it to good use is what it’s all about ,ain’t it? Ahem.. must be thinking where I’m going with all this..Doesn’t matter sis.. Do keep posting … I love all of your posts.

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    1. I agree, as humans we ‘invent to depend’ on a lot of things and we turn them into a necessity. Its completely cool to use these inventions but not upto a point where we misuse or can’t live without it and miss out on life. Thank you Vishal for sharing your thoughts and thank you for always looking forward for my next work. Have a great day! 🙂


  7. Spot on! It’s nice to see someone from Shillong to be writing on something that’s been bothering me and many others too I’m sure. The misuse of social media in Shillong has grown rapidly without anyone noticing it and the sad part is that people are actually accepting it, saying its a lifestyle! So, thank you for the beautiful message. This is my first time reading a blog and how glad I am to have read yours. So thank you for the beautiful message. You are making a difference!


  8. Spot on! It’s nice to see someone from Shillong to write on something that’s been bothering me and many others too I’m sure. The misuse of social media in Shillong has grown rapidly without anyone noticing it and the sad part is that people are actually accepting it, saying it’s a lifestyle! This is my first time reading a blog and how glad I am to have read yours. So, thank you for the beautiful message. You are making a difference!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Beautifully written 🌸, Mel !

    Technology has overtaken the very essence of human interaction/connections. Instead of meeting in person over a cup of coffee, we instead interact through texting back and forth and we lose the sense of connection. Its never as good as we interact face to face giving out each other’s positive energy.
    Instead of writing lettters and pouring out our emotions, we make the technology to overtake those emotions…
    I know, an emoticon is cute, but it could never replace the ear-splitting grin and smiling eyes of our friends or loved ones.

    I’m not here to say virtual connections are a waste , what trying to say is let’s not rely fully on technology to do the connection for us.

    Liked by 1 person

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